The domain name is your website address on the net.
While choosing a domain take in to account, that it should be short, easy to remember and easy to understand.
No characters except a dash (-) can be used in the name of a domain.
You can use up to 63-64 characters almost in all zones.
There are some restrictions in different zones. It can concern to geographic names, names of countries and cities, famous abbreviations.
You can check the availability of the domain name. Enter the name into the search field and press search. You will get a reply: The domain is free or the domain is not available.
There is no any limit. Anybody can register unlimited quantity of domain names.
You can pay for your domain from your balance. ArCa, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal, Stripe are acceptable as well.
Actually, all information about a domain name is available on WHOIS, except when the registration is private.
Private registration keeps your contact information closed. We provide private registration in .Am zone. The authorization letter from the owner of domain name is required.
I have a registered domain. How can I pay online to renew it? To make a payment for the domain name, please login to your account, choose the payment method and pay to renew the domain. Please select years as well.If your domain was not registered with us, you can transfer it to us and after make a payment.
To transfer a domain to us you need to send us the authorization letter signed by the owner of a domain name and your ID card. Transfer can be done with an Epp code. You take it from your current registrar. Transfer process can take 2-10 business days. It depends on zone.
The name of the registered domain can’t be changed.
To start the owner change process, we need to get an authorization letter signed by the current owner and his/her ID card. If the owner is a company, we need to get a signed and sealed letter. You can ask for the sample of the letter via the following e-mail: [email protected]
To change the contact information of a domain name you should login to your account, into my Domains and make changes, which you need to.
You can’t cancel your already registered domain name. You only can do not renew it and it will be expired and deleted from the list of registered domains.
If you don’t renew your domain name till its expiration day, the domain stops working, but you have 45 more days to renew it and to keep under your name. In other case, the domain will be expired and become available for the new registration.
You can make changes from your account.
To fill your balance you can use ARCA, VISA & MASTER credit cards, PayPal payment methods. Log into your account go to your billings and press “Add funds” button. Then choose the payment method and make a payment.