What role does Registrar play?

A domain name registrar is an ICANN accredited commercial entity on whose platform you can register, search and own the domain name. They are end-users go to guys to get a domain name. You can choose the registrar of your choice; there are thousands of registrars all across the globe. At RegNest you are offered modest price possible, for one of the best services.
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What is ICANN?

ICANN is an international organization that is responsible for the safe, stable and interoperable...

What does the Registry do?

Registry assembles the database of all domain names which it is responsible for and the...

What is the operation of Registry operators?

A registry operator, sometimes called a network information centre (NIC) maintains all...

Who is a Registrant?

The registrant of Domain is the end-user/customer who registers a domain name. The person or...

What is WHOIS and how is it relevant to me?

WHOIS is a utility tool where you can inquire about the registered owners or users of a domain...